Monday 24 March 2014

Who is wrong?

I just came across this incident whereby a golden retriever snapped at a small dog. And I really don't understand why people just point their fingers at the big dog without understanding the situation. Just because golden retrievers are big dogs. =_='

Apparently that small dog kept humping the golden retriever and I would say that it's actually sexual harassment! I don't know what others would do but if any human ladies were being harassed like that, I think the male would have died a few times already! lol… So as a female dog, she would naturally retaliate too! Even small dogs would snapped right. And why didn't the owner keep the dog by his/her side? I also don't like it when other males keep humping Amber and the owner just do nothing.… 

I don't side golden retriever because Amber is a golden retriever. She was bitten by an aggressive golden retriever for passing by him when she was 4 months old. I could still remember the pain.. But I hope people would at least understand the situation before pointing fingers at big dogs. 


wils0nlai said...

it's always the smaller dogs that cause problems. just because they are small their owners tend to think they are cute and need no discipline.

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